• 6 years ago

Damonica - vocals, acoustic guitar
Samuel Hain - vocals, percussions
Vašek Polívka - violin, viola, flute
Petr Janek - violoncello

Cain Da Breth - název je staroirsky a zdál se Damonice ve snu. V překladu znamená zhruba "zpěv dvou rčení". Hrajeme hudební styl, který jsme nazvali akustický doom metal. Volíme ho raději, než "keltský folk".

Kapela vznikla na podzim roku 2003 za účelem akustického vystoupení na hradě Točník, a to pouze jako duo Damonica a Samuel Hain. Na jaře roku 2004 se k nim spontánně v průběhu koncertu přidává Vašek Polívka. V létě roku 2005 kapela, již coby trio, nahrává demo s písněmi Moonlight Tune, Black Birds a Moon Reflections, na kterém hostuje kytarista Jan-Matěj Rak. Na jaře roku 2006 se sestava Cain Da Breth uzavírá violoncellistkou Léan Cobail. V lednu 2008 dostává kapela jedinečnou nabídku od vídeňského studia Plugged Records vytvořit zde svou první dlouhohrající desku. V srpnu 2008 pak u Cemetery Records vychází, spolu s knihou básní, debutové CD SANAS. V listopadu 2009 nahrazuje Léan na violoncello Petr Janek. Vystupujeme jak na samostatných koncertech v Praze a okolí, tak také na vernisážích či dobových festivalech a trzích v Čechách i v Evropě.

Více na: http://www.caindabreth.com/

Nejbližší živý koncert kapely lze shlédnout 24.3 2012 v klubu DeCent Club - Na Vysince 3, 153 00, Praha 5.

Nalaďte si BalconyTV Prague zase příště !!!


The name of the band is in old Irish and came to Damonica in her dream. It means approximately "the song of the two sayings", what can be understood on various levels (speaking about this world and the otherworld, interpreted by both male and female etc.). Despite this mysterious Irish influence we prefer calling our musical style an acoustic doom metal rather than Celtic folk.

In the beginning there were Damonica´s own lyrics and music and Samuel Hain´s conviction that she shouldn´t sing only in the shower.
The band came into existence in Autumn 2003, this for the purpose of an acoustic gig taking place on a mediaeval castle Točník. At this point the band was nameless and consisted only of Damonica and Samuel Hain. As the performance was a success, other gigs soon followed. During one of them - in the Spring 2004 - Vašek joined the band spontaneously. In Summer 2005 Cain Da Breth, already as a trio, prepared a demo recording containing three songs - Moonlight Tune, Black Birds and Moon Reflections. The demo features special guest - a famous Czech guitarist Jan-Matěj Rak. In Spring 2006 the band´s line-up was completed by Léan Cobail on violoncello. In the autumn of 2007 the band received a generous offer from Plugged Records, Vienna to produce a first full recording in their studio. In September 2008 a debut CD called SANAS has been released, this along with a book of poems , this under Cemetery Records. In November 2009 Petr Janek is replacing Léan on violoncello. We perform not only on the festivals and solo gigs but also on openings of exhibitions in museums and galleries, on mediaeval fairs, castles and other unusual places all over Europe.

More info at:

The nearest upcoming gig you can visit is taking place on March 24th,2012 at "DeCent Club" - Na Vysince 3, 153 00, Praha 5.

Tune in to BalconyTV Prague next time !!!

