• 5 years ago‬

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Born in Houston, Texas, Kevin grew up in England where his extraordinary musical talent was evident from an early age. His self-taught piano skills fuelled his passion for song writing and by his mid-teens he was producing his own songs, and other bands, on his four-track tape recorder. Despite being a rebellious student, Kevin graduated from university with a first class honors degree in Music, the highest award given that year.

His first CD, Kevin Rowe Live, was recorded in 2005 at a sell-out concert in his home town of Basingstoke, England. Encouraged by the sales and the enthusiasm of a growing fan base, Kevin began working on a debut studio album. As well as writing the songs, Kevin played every instrument himself before engineering and producing the whole record in his bedroom. 10am captured the attention of radio producers, venue directors, label managers and music publishers alike.

In less than a year, Kevin's YouTube videos had attracted nearly 100,000 hits. 'Sleeping With An Angel' became a YouTube hit and caught the imagination of German label TokaBeatz Records. A remix of the song stayed at number 5 in Germany throughout the summer of 2010. But Kevin still couldn't achieve the breakthrough he needed in the UK.

Kevin made his final gamble. He sold everything, including his studio and precious Nord piano, and jumped on a flight to Atlanta, Georgia. Arriving in the US with just a suitcase and guitar, he was quickly endorsed by Nord Keyboards and DBZ Guitars. Within a few weeks of his arrival to the US he was invited to perform at one of BMI's Music Showcases.

Kevin's songs are mostly autobiographical. His perceptive lyrics, catchy melodies and distinctively soulful vocal style combine to produce performances which are as memorable as they are moving. Reviewers and critics have compared him to Bryan Adams, Joe Cocker and John Mayer.

The Kevin Rowe story continues...!/kevinrowemusic


