Kick Out Ultimate MMA Strength and MMA Conditioning Programs

  • 12 years ago
Iron Gym Total Upper Body Workout Bar

Ultimate MMA Strength and MMA Conditioning Programs

Discover the 9 Key Components an
Effective MMA Workout MUST Have
(or you're just wasting your time and energy)

1) Workouts to develop all 3 energy systems: aerobic, anaerobic lactic (glycolytic), anaerobic alactic (ATP-CP)
2) Exercises designed to enhance movements specific to mixed-martial arts
3) Exercises that work all 3 planes of motion: sagittal, frontal, and transverse
4) A workout program that doesn’t make you too sore
5) An effective MMA workout program must not put on too much muscle mass
6) A progression scheme that peaks your conditioning level for the fight
7) A workout program that doesn’t demand more than 3 days a week
8) Exercises that will train all 8 biomotor abilities: strength, power, endurance, speed, agility, co-ordination, balance, and flexibility
