• 5 years ago
Pupating afresh from a whirlwind 2009 and aiming high for 2010, Irish troubadour Junior Johnson is set to release an album in early spring, following his highly acclaimed EP 'Stoned, Ripped, Twisted. Good People' .. ..Working like a lemming, Junior is teaming up with some of the greatest talent in the land to take a three hour show on the road from early February... ..Having just returned from a tour of the New England area of the USA in late 2009 with a bucketful of experiences and songs, Junior, and the raw, ready and effortlessly smooth band that support him, are chomping to be heard, and judging by the recent stint of gigs they've dusted, with great reason... ..Older and only slightly wiser he's once again looking for some assistance and, knowing that it's who you know in this industry, Junior would be incredibly grateful to get to know you, and any helping hands you may be able to lend, whether in providing some friendly advice or help in arranging gigs... ..'I write songs that I believe in. I hope that the lyrics reflect some sort of honesty from my own experience in life. I'm not trying to fool anyone. Except myself; maybe.' - Junior Johnson.. ..Junior has shared the stage with the likes of Shane MacGowan (The Pogues), Frankie Miller's Full House Band and has graced the Eagle's Rock Tent at Glasgowbury for three consecutive years, gigging extensively all over in between. He has recently opened for The Paperboys and John Bramwell of IAMKLOOT, who also invited him for a follow up gig... ..In 2006, Junior was honoured with the title of L.A. Music Awards Folk Artist of the year for his song, The Fireside, an honest detailing of the life that a once unfortunate friend now leads. This highly coveted acknowledgment was an achievement to further echo Junior's raw talent as a solo artist... ..Since he was first played on BBC Radio in July 2005, Junior has received continued support from both regional and international stations and you can hear his music on anything from BBC Radio Ulster shows, the world's largest webcast, Fame Games, to some college radio stations in Rhode Island, USA and Vancouver, Canada.
