Discourse on Meditation - The Inner Yoga - Part 2

  • 12 years ago
Dhyana or Meditation is a higher state of Yoga that may be attained only after the practitioner has prepared themselves in a step-by-step manner. Meditation is a way to unite with our Supreme Nature and may be described as ?fixing the mind on the Supreme with devotion and discipline?. It is the seventh of the eight steps in the Ashtanga Yoga of Patanjali and is part of the Antaranga or inner steps of Yoga. Meditation is a transcendental state, where if there is awareness, it is ?awareness of awareness itself?, a state beyond the mind. Meditation is the fruit of long and arduous effort. The mind is so trained in its focus that it naturally flows into the object of contemplation. A deep, vibrant quietness is the characteristic of meditation, which infuses the entire life style with calmness and control. Meditation becomes a quality of mind that manifests in all aspects of our daily life. The mind develops the capacity to delve into every experience, thought, emotion and situation that arises, and this focused awareness produces Yogic skill in living. 
