San Francisco proposes tax cut for Twitter

  • 12 years ago Tech company Twitter was threatening to move out of San Francisco because of the high taxes the city levies. San Francisco mayor Edwin Lee has offered Twitter a deal: Stay in San Francisco, and we'll give you a tax break. San Francisco is one of America's most vibrant cities. But in the heart of San Francisco, the Central Market and Tenderloin areas are blighted. Twitter will have to move in with some interesting neighbors, such as the Burning Man. But in return, they will save about US$22 million a year in taxes. However, opponents fear that the tax break for Twitter might set a bad precedent for other businesses. But with businesses such as GE paying hardly any tax and Internet giant Google only paying 6%, maybe not paying taxes is a sign that you've made it as a company in the US. 舊金山減稅討好推特 美國高科技公司推特,因不滿舊金山市區稅太高,揚言要搬離開舊金山市。舊金山市長李孟賢跟推特討價還價,如果留在舊金山,就給推特減稅。舊金山是美國最繁榮的城市之一,可是市中心的中央市場和里肌肉區犯罪率高,又不繁榮。推特以後得適應與眾不同的鄰居,比如說火人祭。但也因這樣可以一年省下美金兩千兩百萬的稅。反對讓推特減稅的人說,這樣會引起其他公司也要求減稅待遇。反正美國很多最出名的公司都避稅。GE完全不付,谷歌也只付百分之六。也許在美國,真正偉大的公司都會努力逃稅吧! 


