Bedbugs take over USA 蟲蟲危機 床蝨蔓延美國

  • 13 years ago Bed bugs are spreading across the US. Bed bugs have overrun New York City and are now popping up in cities coast to coast. To date, high profile victims of bed bugs include the Metropolitan Opera House, the offices of the Wall Street Journal and the Waldorf Astoria. Critics blame the declining use of pesticides for their spread. In 2007, the EPA enacted a full on the use of Propoxur inside the home.Increased travel has also furthered the spread of bed bugs. What has caused the resurgence of bed bugs, and how to treat the problem, remains subject of national debate. 本來已經罕見的吸血害蟲床蝨最近重返美國。床蝨最早是從紐約搶灘,但最近已擴散到全美國,就算是高檔場所也無法倖免,連都會歌劇院也淪陷;華爾街日報面臨蟲蟲危機,趕快展開滅蟲行動;五星級的華爾道夫飯店,貴客竟然也與蟲共眠。有專家說,需要使用毒性強烈的殺蟲劑來控制床蝨,呼籲環保局批准用安丹殺蟲劑。床蝨會跟著旅客趴趴走,蔓延的速度將越來越快,床蝨一旦孳生就很難用一般方法驅除。但他們有一個罩門,如果屋主肯掏腰包購買高溫驅蟲服務,華氏一百三十度的高溫就可殺死床蝨。到底床蝨為何再次在美國蔓延,用什麼方法才最有效驅蟲?蟲蟲危機在美國已成為最夯的話題。 
