China's AIDS Petitioners Ignored on World AIDS Day

  • 13 years ago
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Yesterday was World AIDS Day. And the Chinese regime used the opportunity to call for improved care for HIV/AIDS sufferers. But for many people--like those who got HIV from blood transfusions--getting medical care and compensation from authorities has proven to be near impossible.

China's health authorities say the country is facing a growing number of HIV/AIDS cases. On Thursday—World AIDS Day—the Chinese regime promised better care for people with the disease. But when a group of AIDS sufferers tried to petition in Beijing on Thursday—they were met with violence, and brutally turned away by police.

This is the stark reality for China's HIV/AIDS patients. Despite official calls for improved treatment, many patients continue to find themselves in helpless situations—with little medical aid, and authorities unwilling to help.

These petitioners in Beijing had been infected with HIV through blood transfusions. One woman, Ms. Li, says Beijing authorities have pressured local hotels to refuse them accommodation.

[Ms. Li, HIV/AIDS Petitioner]:
"I asked the hotels why we're not allowed to stay. They said, 'Don't bring trouble for us. If we let you stay here, the police will shut us down.'"

Ms. Li says they want authorities to provide aid for affected children and to prevent hospitals from denying medical services to other HIV/AIDS sufferers. But their appeal didn't reach any officials.

[Ms Li, HIV/AIDS Petitioner]:
"Police violently beat us up. A woman was beaten to the ground. We started to argue with the police. Not a single official came out [to meet with us]—only police. They grabbed my bag and cell phone, and followed me closely, and eventually took me away in a car."
