Belly Dancing: K Step - Women's Fitness

  • 13 years ago
Belly Dancing: K Step - part of the women's fitness video series by GeoBeats. Now, we are actually going to learn how to do another travel step and belly dance called the K step. And the reason they call it the K step is because your feet are sort of mimicking the shape of a K. So if I take my left foot, this is going to be the straight line of the K. The right foot is going to go forward on a corner, and then back to the other corner. So it is going to go forward and back. Notice that the hip comes with me. It is not just the foot moving, right? That would not be belly dance. We have to add the hip. Forward and back, and forward and back. And if I use my right foot as the straight line of the K, the left foot is going to go on a forward diagonal, back to neutral, and on the back corner. So it is forward and back and forward and back. And I can take this as a travel step and go sideways with it. So if I am traveling to the right, my left foot is the anchor, and the right foot is going forward and back. So I am doing the weight transfer, to the foot, neutral, and to the back foot. So it is forward and back, and, forward and back, and, forward and back, and. So, if you notice, my left foot slides in the direction that I am traveling, every time I put weight on it. So, let us try it in the other direction now. My left foot is going to go forward and back. Right foot is going to take little steps in this direction, every chance it gets. So forward, cheating that right foot in, and back. Again, the right foot steps in. Forward on the left, back on the left. Forward on the left, back on the left. And that is it. Now, once you have that, and you feel comfortable with it, you can add a little bit of a shimmy with your hips. You can make it smaller, faster. Again, you can play with this movement, and see what you can come up with. I am just going to show you with a little bit of a shimmy added. Forward, back, forward, back, forward, back. It is a lot of fun. Let is try it in the other direction. That is it, excellent. Now, the last thing I want to show you is some arms. Sometimes, it is nice to just bring one finger in towards the sternum, and extend the other arm out, very simple. So, forward and back, forward and back. Make sure the fingers are delicate. If they are really strong, it looks not quite like belly dance. So, soft fingers, relaxed in the upper body. Let us try it in the other direction. And that is your K step.