Belly Dancing: Snake Arms - Women's Fitness

Geo Beats

by Geo Beats

Belly Dancing: Snake Arms - part of the women's fitness video series by GeoBeats. Now we are going to learn how to do a belly dance snake arm, one of my favorites. So, the first thing we have to do is get our arms down by our sides. A lot of people when they relax, their arms are facing like this. So, you want to open up from the pec, rotate the shoulder. Perfect. Now, I think about having the side of my pinky on the top of the thigh. I am going to slightly lift the shoulder. Elbow is going to go out to the side. The wrist is going to break away, and this is where you feel like you are holding an invisible basketball. And that elbow, imagine there is a string lifting that elbow up. Then, before I lower my arm, the wrist does a little push and the fingertips are now facing up. I am going to push my arm down. When I say push I mean I am fighting gravity. I am actually contracting the bicep. The more resistance you have in your snake arm, the better they look. If I let gravity win it looks kind of unfulfilled, let us say. So, shoulder, elbow, wrist, finger. Pushing down the shoulder, engaging the bicep, fingertips point up. Shoulder, elbow, wrist, tuck in your basketball. That elbow is going to continue on the up, and then pushing down. Exactly. Now, you can do this at a very small or a very large, depending on what the music calls for. You can play with that variety. Let us try it on the other side. So, the shoulder is going to lift just a little bit, just to allow the elbow to rotate out to the side. Wrist, tuck in your ball. Then, imagine that you are painting with the back of the hand on the up, and the palm of the hand paints down. Good. It is also really important to feel like your fingers look pretty here. You do not want to just sort of have a claw hand and not think about what the fingers are doing. The beauty is in the details with the snake arms. So, I am going to reach up and lower down. OK. So, that is all well and good, doing one at a time. Doing them together takes a bit of practice. We are going to start by actually feeling like we have large wings. Shoulder, elbow, wrist, finger, and then pushing down, engaging the bicep. Make sure your posture has not tilted. We are not releasing, keeping this tucked, chest lifted. Lifting the arms and lowering down. Lifting and lowering. Now the really hard part. We are going to start by lifting one arm, pushing down, painting with the palm of the hand as we lift up on the other side. So, that elbow is always pointing the way. Shoulder, elbow, wrist, finger, and on the other side, shoulder, elbow, wrist, finger. Excellent. Now, again, as I mentioned, you can have them very lifted and small or very big. You can do them with level changes, change your body line. There you have it. Those are your snake arms.