Where The Hell Is Matt ? @ Lyon, France (2011)

  • il y a 13 ans
Français : Lire l'article sur http://www.romain-world-tour.com/​videos/​where-the-hell-is-matt-lyon-video/​


Matt Harding is an American citizen who became very famous leading his project 'Where the Hell is Matt' since 2005 (http://www.wherethehellismatt.com/​).

I've always been impressed by this guy. He's a nowdays hero who keeps on raising smiles all around the world.

Meeting him was a really symbolic thing since he played a very important role deciding me to travel around the world for one year (Discover my own project at http://www.romain-world-tour.com).

One day, I got his newsletter saying he was about to come to Lyon for shooting a dance video. I couldn't believe it. But it finally came true on October 29th 2011 and I even had the opportunity to offer him a copy of my Backpacker movie (Watch the trailer at http://www.world-tour-movie.com/​teaser/​).

Dear Matt, this video goes to you ! Thanks for being such an inspiring traveler !

