
  • 13 years ago
UPLOADED HERE because youtube has disabled my audio, AGAIN...

So, when I was in high school I was a big dork and decided to create a music video for the song Zerstoeren by Rammstein. I made this by splicing together clips of my friends and I doing stupid, typical, wannabe-edgy stuff, mixed with my younger brother dancing/air-guitaring and lip-syncing to a song on the radio. It was a lot of fun to make, and I have tons of bones to pick about it nowadays--it's definitely not a work of art. But the point was, I had a lot of fun, and my friends got a kick out of it.

Looking back this video pretty much captures the essence of my silliness as a teenager, and it has a place in my heart. So I'm uploading it for old times' sake.

Therefore, I'm not looking for critiques--this is just for the fun of it.


Zerstoeren is copyright (c) of Rammstein and Warner Music Group. And the music from the Spirited Away soundtrack is also not mine.
