• 13 years ago
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A giraffe from New Zealand is freighted by ship and then on the back of a truck, on its way to its new home in Melbourne, Australia. The young male will join the bachelor herd at Werribee Zoo and become part of their breeding program.

One of the tallest New Zealanders has arrived in Australia, completing a five-day, 1600 mile voyage across the ocean.

Jelani the giraffe was transported by ship, the JPO Scorpius, from Auckland Zoo, and arrived in Melbourne, Australia on Saturday.

After he was unloaded from the ship onto the back of a truck, zoo keeper Nat Sullivan offered Jelani one last bite to eat before driving through city streets en route to the giraffe's new home at Melbourne's Werribee Open Range Zoo.

Jelani will be kept in quarantine for a few days before he's allowed to meet the other animals at the zoo.

[Nat Sullivan, Auckland Zoo Keeper]:
"Once Jelani is introduced to the rest of the herd, you know, it's going to be a great sight for people to come and see. He is a really playful giraffe."

Jelani has come to Australia to be part of a breeding program at the zoo.

He will join the zoo's bachelor herd, and live among antelope, rhinoceroses and zebras.

Auckland Zoo and Werribee Open Range Zoo are part of an Australasian regional breeding program for giraffes.


