How Many Reps To Get A Six Pack

  • 13 years ago If you don't know how many reps to do to get a six pack then you might actually get better, more defined results from doing LESS when you're in the gym. Plus, if you've just started and still need to get your body fat percentage down, you won't be doing the same as someone who already has this handled and wants to work on muscle size. It's not just how many reps per set you need to know about to get a six pack either. How many reps you do per week is also important. Too many people train their six pack too often, undoing the good work they've done and wasting a lot of effort.
Rest periods also matter. Some people rest too much, some not enough, and for some it varies with each workout. But there is a system specific to the type of workout you're doing that has a big impact on your results. With extra information to keep track of you need to be consistent, which is why you also need to keep a record of all of this as you train your six pack.
