Chinese Citizens Support Jailed Activist Wang Lihong

  • 13 years ago
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Wang Lihong is a Chinese activist who fought corruption in China's legal system. Now Wang is on trial herself. Her case has attracted support from within China and abroad.

Former businesswoman Wang Lihong retired in 2008, but she's kept busy. Wang became an activist supporting some of China's most high-profile dissidents and raising awareness about human rights abuses. But now Wang herself has been detained for her work--and she's awaiting trial.

So concerned citizens are doing for Wang what she did for others for years—raising awareness in society and online.

As of August 3rd, 223 Shanghai residents have signed a petition calling for her release. Petitioners believe her arrest represents an abuse of power.

[Mr. Han, Shanghai Resident]:
"Public officials are abusing their power, and we just have these few conscientious rights activists to expose it, to shout about it. If you put these people in prison, then this society really has no hope."

Many believe Wang's trial is politically motivated.

[Han Yicun, Lawyer]:
"Truthfully speaking, this case is political. It is politics meddling with the law. The law is already not the law."

Wang is charged with "disturbing the flow of traffic by gathering"—a charge that relates to a protest Wang held outside the politically sensitive trial of three netizens in Fujian province. The netizens had been tried for libel after they posted articles on the Internet exposing how a 25-year-old woman was raped and murdered by a triad gang.

A blog started by Wang's supporters claims the traffic charge against her is retaliation by authorities for Wang's involvement in that case.

Wang has been involved in activism since 2008. Her supporters include outspoken Chinese artist Ai Weiwei.
