Chinese Parents of Faulty Vaccine Victims Suppressed

  • 13 years ago
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In China over the past few years there have been many cases recorded of children being poisoned or even dying after vaccine injections. Authorities in Beijing are now proposing compensation measures, but have yet to admit responsibility. Some authorities are still trying to cover up the issue altogether. Here's more.

A few days ago Yang Yukui and Zhou Suying from Liaoning Province took their son to Beijing Children's Hospital for a BCG vaccine—a common vaccine for children. Yet the vaccine poisoned their son. Lymph nodes in his neck and armpits swelled up and his chest became deformed. After several days, the hospital forced the family to take their child home. Mr. Yang was then beaten up by hospital security guards and later arrested by police.

[Zhou Suying, Mother of Vaccine Victim, Liaoning Province]:
"We were beaten by security guards, and after the beating, we were even accused of stirring up public disorder. They took my husband and detained him as a criminal. He is still there, and at the moment no one has been able to see him, not to mention myself going to see him, the lawyer I hired also couldn't get a hold of anyone."

Yang Yukui is yet to be released.

Children in Guangdong province have also suffered from faulty vaccines. Yu Tongan's child had received a vaccine for viral Meningitis in 2005, and afterwards had a fever and vomited. According to the family, local authorities said these were normal symptoms, yet they say that now the child's hands are dry and eyes are slanting and lifeless.

Local authorities saw the need to cover up the record of the child's vaccination.


