Hu Jia's Wife Faces Possible Eviction Before Husband's Release

  • 13 years ago
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Chinese rights activist Hu Jia is set to be released from prison later this month. But now his wife says she and their daughter might be evicted from their apartment—just weeks before his return.

Hu Jia is known for his activism for the Chinese democracy movement, the rights of AIDS patients, and the environment. In April 2008, he was charged with "state subversion" after posting articles on the internet and giving interviews to foreign media. He was sentenced to a three-and-a-half year prison term--a term he's set to finish on June 26th.

But on Tuesday night, Hu's wife, Zeng Jinyan, said on Twitter that she might be forced out of her new home. She had moved from Beijing to Shenzhen, which borders Hong Kong, in April to reduce the political pressure on her. But she says her new landlord is also under pressure, and has asked her to leave--possibly within a week.

She says she'll try her best to find a way to stay in the city.
