Stress & Miscarriage

  • 13 years ago
A certain amount of worry is normal. It is part of the motivation for making the right choices as a mom, and it keeps your children safe. But too much chronic worry, which is different for different women, can cause levels of stress that may interfere with carrying a pregnancy to term. This is understandably prevalent in women that are experiencing recurrent pregnancy loss or have been faced fertility challenges.

The main reason this happens is simple physiology; when worry is chronic and excessive, stress hormones are released at higher quantities into the blood. This causes blood (which carries food and oxygen to the embryo) to be redirected away from the uterus to the lungs and heart, large muscles and brain. This is a 'fight or flight' scenario.

Try acupuncture, yoga, walks in nature, baths, reading a good book, cooking great foods, and most of all, & spending time with girlfriends and children. Remember, 'tend & befriend' in times of heightened stress and worry.
