Former Malaysian Prime Minister Hospitalized for Chest Infection

  • 13 years ago
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Malaysia's influential former prime minister Mahathir Mohamad has been admitted to a hospital on Wednesday for a chest infection. Mahathir has had two heart bypass operations, but his son says his condition is good and that there is no problem with his heart.

Malaysia's politically influential former prime minister, Mahathir Mohamad, was admitted to a hospital on Wednesday due to a chest infection, according to a statement from his aide.

Mahathir will remain in the National Heart Institute in Kuala Lumpur for about a week.

Mahathir's son was optimistic after visiting his father in the hospital.

[Muhkriz Mahathir, Son of Former Malaysian Prime Minister]:
"His condition is good. I accompanied him for lunch earlier. There is no problem with his heart at all, except coughing."

The former prime minister, who is 86, has undergone two heart bypass operations, in 1989 and 2007, and has since been hospitalized twice for chest infections.

Mahathir led Malaysia for 22 years from 1981 to 2003 and wields significant political influence over the United Malays National Organization, the lynchpin of a coalition that has ruled for 53 years.

Credited as Malaysia's "Master Planner," Mahathir transformed a commodities-based backwater into a modern trading nation, and inspired the building of the 88-storey Petronas Twin Towers in the nation's capital in 1998.
