Traffic Jams a Growing Headache for Chinese Commuters

  • 13 years ago
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Traffic jams are a growing headache for Chinese commuters. The number of registered cars in Beijing alone is predicted to grow by 2 million by next year. Authorities are trying to reduce traffic by drastically capping new car registrations, but commuters say their trip to work still takes too long.Two years ago, China overtook the United States as the world's biggest auto market. Now Beijing commuters are living the consequences.

There are almost five million car owners registered in Beijing, and vehicles crawl at an average of 17 miles an hour during rush hour.

Authorities are using a lottery system for new car registrations, capping the number of registrations to 20,000 per month.

But Chinese commuters say their trip to work still takes too long.

[Miss Shan, Beijing Resident]:
"You have to leave early from home in order to be on time. It is hard to know how long it will take to get to work."

In January Authorities turned down about 10 out of every 11 applicants for vehicle registration. Even so, the number of vehicles on Beijing's roads is still projected to reach 7-million by 2012.


