"Brings Back the Culture" - J. Reuben Silverbird on Shen Yun in Vienna

  • 13 years ago
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Shen Yun Performing Arts began a four-show run in Vienna starting on Sunday. The 6:00 P.M. performance evoked praise and admiration from audience members. Let's hear what some of them had to say.

Shen Yun Performing Arts, the world's first Chinese classical dance and music company, presented their new 2011 program in the Wiener Stadthalle in Vienna on Sunday.

Joseph Reuben Silverbird is a native Apache indian from the U.S. He is an author, spiritual leader, musician and actor and is known for holding seminars around the globe.

[Joseph Reuben Silverbird, Ambassador For Peace]:
"I think it is wonderful, that I was invited to come, because I saw, something that is very important, the culture, the Chinese culture becoming live again. And it is important to keep it alive."

[Joseph Reuben Silverbird, Ambassador For Peace]:
"You do so many beautiful things during the show, talk about the old Chinese culture, and this is so important. ... Sometimes it is referred, that our culture comes from the orient someplace, Asia. So, in your Shen Yun you've done such beautiful things. I love the costumes, they are so special, but I love the dancing the precision the music, the backdrops, everything is so alive and you know, it brings back the culture in a very modern way."

Board member of the Institute for Cultural Management (IKM) and board member of the Vienna University for Music, Professor Franz-Otto Hofecker says:

[Dr. Hofecker, Board Member IKM]:
"What the show strongly transmits, is the grand and unbelievable long tradition of culture in China, 5,000 years."

The former chief of the Austrian state television archive and now honorary professor for contemporary history, Dr. Dusek, liked the historical aspect of the show.
