Google Executive Released in Egypt Addresses Thousands

  • 13 years ago
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Google executive Wael Ghonim addresses crowds of protesters in Cairo, and gives an emotional TV interview, having been detained by Egyptian state security for almost two weeks. Ghonim has become a symbol of the country's anti-government movement.

Thousands of demonstrators in Cairo's Tahrir Square gave a hero's welcome on Tuesday to a Google executive and activist who has become a symbol of the country's anti-government movement.

Wael Ghonim addressed crowds after his release from almost two weeks in detention.

[Wael Ghonim, Google Executive and Anti-Government Activist]:
"This is not the time for individuals, or parties, or movements, it's a time for all of us to say just one thing - Egypt above all, Egypt above all, Egypt above all."

Ghonim, Googles head of marketing for the Middle East and North Africa, had not been seen since January 27, two days after anti-government protests erupted in Egypt.

Ghonim says he was bundled into a car and taken off for interrogation by state security men.

He says he was blindfolded throughout his detention.

Activists say Ghonim had been involved in founding "We are all Khaled Said," an anti-torture Facebook group named after an activist who rights groups say was beaten to death by police.

Ghonim appeared on television last night to downplay his role and praise those who risked all by protesting in the streets.

At one point the interview was too much for Ghonim, the pictures of those killed during the protests brought tears to his eyes.

Those tears "moved millions" according to website

Within only two hours hours of Ghonim's TV appearance 70,000 people had signed up on Facebook pages supporting him.

Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak has refused to stand down despite the demonstrations, and Ghonim says protests will continue whether they succeed or fail.


