What's Happening in Egypt Explained: Egypt, protests, ...

  • 13 years ago
This is a “quick” summary of the events that have been happening in Egypt from Jan 25 to Jan 28th. It is by no means a comprehensive account of events. But some of the bigger, key highlights. Things that happened after I finished recording: • Mubarak spoke (It's a recorded speech). Max Fisher "just breathtakingly oblivious and dishonest." Mubarak doesn't sound like he's leaving. He's trying to align himself with the protesters. Mubarak says he has asked the government to resign—everyone but himself. • Obama had a 30-minute phone call with Mubarak • Obama says there "must" be reform. The bottom line seems to be that the US will continue to back Mubarak for the time being. • The army is reportedly making protest gatherings in Cairo's streets very difficult. It's also 2:30 a.m. there, so things may be starting to wind down for the evening. Below is a list of links that are used in this video, including the sources for most videos and photos that I’ve used: The Economist's Democracy index (a widely accepted measure of political freedom) http://bit.ly/dminx Photo of beating death of Khaled (GRAPHIC) http://bit.ly/khaleddeath Al Jazeera English live http://bit.ly/aljazrenstream Ustream from Cario http://bit.ly/carioustream The Arabist http://arabist.net/ "Tiananmen Square moment" (VIDEO) من مظاهرات يوم الغضب - شاب شجاع جدا http://youtu.be/YtTUsqra-MU Jumping on Police Photo http://yfrog.com/h36s1cj from http://bit.ly/abanidrees Cario bridge protest http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t4OSMFYc9Mc Iconic Kiss Photo woman and Egyptian Police officer http://bit.ly/KissPic CNN Article on the topic: http://bit.ly/CNNonMubarak Important Twitter’s to Check out: http://twitter.com/abo_mazen http://twitter.com/sultanalqassemi http://twitter.com/shadihamid http://twitter.com/arabist http://twitter.com/NickBaumann http://twitter.com/#search?q=%23Egypt

