Welcome to Rapture 2011! Time to goto Christmas island

  • 13 years ago

Here’s a prediction for you, I’m going to make another Rapture video!
Yep so here we are, judgement day, end of the world, and there’s no zombie apocalypse (yet).

So what happened? Was Harold Camping Wrong?... or did Jesus decide to pull the plug on this whole Rapture thing!?

If you’re offended by this, please, please leave more obnoxious, ignorant comments. Because that’s how many more videos I’m going to do dressed up as jesus. You want me to stop? Stop sucking

For anyone who didn’t see my previous videos check it out at:


Thank you to all my fans, and subscribers. You guys really are awesome, and you make me do what I do !

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tags : end of the world, end of the world predictions, may 21 2011, judgement day, harold camping, may 21, may 21 2011, saturday may 21, harold camping, rapture may 21, may 21, saturday may 21, may 21 rapture, christmas island, new zealand earthquake 2011, new zealand news, new zealand, what time is it in new zealand, time in new zealand, rapture, harold camping, rapture 2011, rapture tomorrow, what is rapture, harold camping, may 21st doomsday, may 21st rapture, may 21st end of the world, may 21st 2011, world ending tomorrow, world ending may 21st, world ending, harold camping, world ending saturday, doomsday, doomsday may 21st, doomsday may 21, dooms day, may 21st doomsday, harold camping, apocalypse now, when is the end of the world, may 21st doomsday, rapture, zombie apocalypse 2011, jesus, weed jesus, surprise, apocalypse now