Deadly Bee Allergies - Off to Save the Day!

  • 13 years ago

I was going to shoot a new video, but instead I ended up rushing over to my sister in laws, who’d been stung by a bee. She’s extremely allergic to bee stings, but couldn’t afford the hospital. The fire dept showed up and gave her a shot of Benadryl. They insisted she call someone to come over, especially since she has a baby in the house.

I promise a REAL video on Monday, THX U 4 putting up with this :D

Question of the Day : what are you allergic too?

More on Bee Stings: (from webmd):Most people will have only a localized reaction to a bee sting. In the normal reaction to a bee sting, the skin is reddened and painful. Swelling and/or itching may occur, but the pain usually disappears over a few hours. In the so-called large local reaction to an insect sting, the swelling, redness, &pain may persist for up to a week. Areas adjacent to the site of the skin may also be involved in the large local reaction.
In a systemic allergic reaction, the entire body is affected. The victim may develop hives, redness, or swelling at sites on the body distant from the site of the sting. Symptoms can also include:vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, and dizziness.
In anaphylactic reactions, victims experience wheezing, difficulty breathing, & a drop in blood pressure that leads to shock if not treated promptly. Around 50 people are killed each year in the U.S. due to severe anaphylactic reactions to bee stings. These type of reactions usually occur within minutes of the bee sting. Since most people who have allergies to bee stings will have a worsened reaction to every subsequent sting, those individuals with bee sting allergies should talk to their doctor about taking special precautions, including carrying an injectable form of the drug epinephrine at all times.

--more samproof--