Thousands of Fish Dead in India's Yamuna River

  • 13 years ago
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Thousands of fish are found dead in the Yamuna River in India's northern Uttar Pradesh state. Locals say the fish died due to pollution from factories and are demanding the government do something to stop it.

Thousands of fish were found dead on the shores of the Yamuna River at a holy site on the riverbanks in Mathura City, India.

Priests and locals have blamed the fish deaths on the dumping of industrial waste and chemicals that flow into the river.

[Rakish Babul Tiara, Priest]:
"The chemical effluent from factories printing saris and processing silver is discharged towards the Yamane River, and animals are dying."

Babul wants the local government to take action on the issue.

[Rakish Babul Tiara, Priest]:
"I would like to bring to the government's attention that the municipality and administration are overlooking the proposal given by the high court for setting up a sewage treatment plant. The municipality and administration are both responsible for this, because sewage treatment is not working properly."

Environmentalists say while India has over 300 sewage treatment plants, most are under-utilized and poorly positioned.

Treated waste is often mixed with untreated sewage and thrown back into rivers. India's drainage system is also in need of serious repairs.


