Christians Safely Celebrate Christmas Eve in Indonesia

  • 14 years ago
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Minority religions in Indonesia celebrated a peaceful and secure Christmas Eve thanks to increased security measures. Thousands of security forces along with a number of interfaith community organizations worked together to prevent any acts of discrimination towards Christians and Catholics in the Muslim-majority nation. Now to Jakarta for more.

Jakarta Governor, Fauzi Bowo, visited 6 churches in Jakarta on the eve of December 24th, to ensure the safety and comfort of Christian worshippers.

The churches visited include the Cathedral Church, Immanuel Church, Mawar Sharon Church, Kayu Putih Church, St. Andreas church and St. Stephanus church.

The Jakarta government noted that more than 8,300 security personnel are helping to ensure safety and comfort of Christmas eve celebration in 1,619 churches in Jakarta.

In addition, a number of interfaith community organizations also helped to secure this Christmas Eve’s celebrations.

During his visit to the six churches, the governor expressed his Christmas greetings to hundreds of thousands of Christians.

Bowo gave people a commitment to ensure that everyone can worship according to their religion and beliefs, free from disturbance and discrimination.

[Fauzi Bowo, Jakarta Governor]:
"It is our duty and our responsibility to implement the law, provide a sense of security, and guarantee the right of religious belief and worship without any interference. Pluralism, diversity, is the characteristic of Indonesia. It’s alos our excellence. We are all one nation of Indonesia, with an equal right to believe in and worship God.”

The governor donated 50 million rupiah, or about $5,600 U.S. dollars, to each church.

Christianity is a minority religion in Indonesia. Christians make up 9.2% and Catholics 3.5% of Indonesia’s total population of 247.5 million people.

NTD News, Jakarta, Indonesia.


