Praying That Mom’s Will Receive the Grace to Choose Life Ove

  • 14 years ago Fr. Frank Pavone, National Director of Priests for Life, continues his reflections on praying to end abortion. “Abortion is the greatest evil that we are facing in the world today,” Says Fr. Pavone, and “When you think about it, Evil is the absence of something good, or the corruption of something good. You can’t have a bad apple, a rotten apple unless you first have something good, which is an apple…And so it is with abortion, it’s a lack; it’s a corruption of something good. The prayer to end abortion is in part a prayer that grace will come the mother that will counteract the things that are pulling her in that wrong direction.” And concluding Fr. Pavone says “As we pray to end abortion, we pray very specifically, very deliberately for those mothers that they may be delivered from despair.”


