• 14 years ago
The Guinness Book of Records announced a record over the weekend for the largest rocking horse in the world. An Israeli carpenter took the credit for the 20-foot-tall structure.

An Israeli carpenter has been recognized by the Guiness Book of Records for making a unique gigantic rocking horse. It is 20-feet-tall.

[Ofer Mor, Carpenter]:
"It was a big, amazing dream. It was many times bigger, biggest of my...what I can do. And many many good people in Israel and out of Israel helped me design, helped to build this dream and make the largest rocking horse in the world."

Mor says several businesses and volunteers helped to build the horse by donating workdays and building materials.

He said the horse took a whole year to build, and cost about 500 thousand U.S. dollars.

There was a problem weeks before the Guiness representatives would measure the horse.

Mor found out that a Canadian group was planning to build a bigger horse than his design. So he made last minute changes to block the competition.

Mor said he was different from his competitors. They were carpenters but he saw himself as a designer.

[Ofer Mor, Carpenter]:
"Unlike the other horses, the other big horses that are in the world, the Canadian and the Japanese horses, I look at it not in a point of view of carpenter but a designer. So the horse...the shape is very accurate, the colours, every detail in the horse is made by exactly the plan I did."

The horse is made from two tons of wood and can carry over 50 children at a time.

It takes up 20 thousand screws and nails and needed 79 gallons of paint.
