Elderly Man Rescued from Floods in Northern India

  • 14 years ago
Despite the death and destruction from the floods, one Indian man is lucky to be alive after a terrifying ordeal. Here's that story.

Locals of the Bijnor district in Uttar Pradesh rescued an elderly man trapped in floodwaters on Monday.

A number of villagers brought the man to safety using ropes.

The villagers are angry that the government isn’t doing enough to help flood victims.

[Rama, Local]: (gender Male, Hindi)
"The situation in Biharipur is such that people are dying of hunger. There is no help arriving from the government. The water began flowing on Saturday at 4 pm. Now it's been 48 hours. So much water has been collected.”

Heavy rains have already caused floods in the state, and the situation worsened after a local dam was breached early Monday. After that, floodwaters entered residential areas in many parts of the district.


