RAF Tornadoes to arrive in Afghanistan

  • 14 years ago

Two RAF Tornado jets are expected to arrive in Afghanistan later.

The additional aircraft were deployed after a request by US General David Petraeus, commander of the Nato mission in Afghanistan, for more protection for troops on the ground.

There are already eight RAF Tornados based at Kandahar Airfield in southern Afghanistan, but the extra jets will provide another 130 flying hours a month, the Ministry of Defence said.

Dr Liam Fox said: "Tornado GR4s provide essential air cover to our service personnel on the ground and leading the fight against deadly IEDs (improvised explosive devices) from the air.

"The intelligence these assets provide to coalition forces will enable commanders to have the eyes in the sky that they need to protect their troops and help increase security for local people."

The extra Tornados have left RAF Lossiemouth in Moray, Scotland, and will arrive at Kandahar Airfield later.


