Left Hook at Long Range - A Punch For Purists!

  • 14 years ago
http://www.myboxingcoachcoach.com - The best boxing instructional videos on the Web! Boxers will cause problems for themselves if they aim to make every shot that they throw a power punch. These problems can include excessive tiring at an early stage of the contest (often referred to as punching themselves out), loading up with single shots rather than delivering a dynamic range of shots in quickfire combinations or even worse becoming predictable to the opponent.

The left hook at long range, like the left uppercut at long range, is not intended to be a power punch. It is in fact an intelligent substitute for a jab, which, when it lands can have the effect of knocking the opponent slightly to their left thereby making them very vulnerable to shots like the right hook at long range or the right uppercut at mid-range (if the distance has closed.) This is a shot for the purist; it’s subtle, unconventional and an ideal platform upon which to build dazzling combinations of punches.


