The Boxing Jab - Get Control With The Perfect Punch!

  • 14 years ago The boxing jab is the boxer’s most important punch. The jab allows the boxer to control an opponent, be it on the attack or on the defensive. The jab provides a main method of commencing an attack and is consistently proven as a fight winner. Few things are more demoralising to an opponent as being continually popped in the face with a fast, accurate and well-timed jab.

Whilst we can talk about a fast and accurate boxing jab, it’s surprising how many boxers allow bad habits to creep in when using the jab. As mentioned, if the jab is thrown correctly it’s a winner. On the other hand, if it isn’t deployed appropriately then it’s a key ‘chink in the armour’ that will more often than not lead to a flattened nose and an abject feeling of defeat!
