Chase Community Giving: United for Kids Foundation

  • 14 years ago How can United for Kids Foundation help you BE THE CHANGE? Why should you vote for United for Kids Foundatin in the Chase Community Giving competition on Facebook? United for Kids Foundation (UKF) is a charitable organization established exclusively for charitable and educational activities aimed principally at less privileged children in Nigeria. Our aim is to create a bridge between fortunate Nigerians and the less fortunate sick and orphaned children. Since UKF was founded in 2002, we have selected 1 teaching hospital and 4 orphanages as beneficiaries of our activities, we have partnered with them to upgrade facilities, provide financial assistance for prescription drugs/medical tests, educational materials, food, beverages and household supplies in order to alleviate the suffering and discomfort encountered by the children. The UKF dream began in 1999 and became a reality in April 2002 when a group of friends/colleagues visited the Lagos State Motherless Babies Home, LMBH (then at Sinari Daranijo Street, Victoria Island Lagos) as "friends of the home". That visit exposed the need for us, Nigerians to invest in nation building by reaching out to the voiceless and almost helpless orphaned and sick Nigerian children. The state of the facility at the time showed the extreme neglect these children, who hold an important key to a better Nigeria, and indeed the World were being subjected to. None of the friends could walk away from what they had seen at the orphanage that day, hence informal plans and discussions commenced in order to find a lasting means of assisting the children at LMBH and other like facilities in the country. United for Kids Foundation was therefore 'born' in October 2002, the group has experienced tremendous growth due to the satisfaction derived from bringing joy into the lives of the needy; "Satisfied customers" have continued to spread the word and invited others to join the mission to heal Nigeria and indeed the World, One Child, One Heart and One Smile ...


