India Rejoice as Monsoon Arrives

  • 14 years ago
People are dancing in the streets of one southern Indian city. The strong downpours have given people relief from what has been nearly unbearable heat.

The southwest monsoon has finally arrived on the coastal southern state of Kerala.

On Monday people were rejoicing the first showers of the monsoon.

There’s been nearly six inches of rain in Kerala in just 24 hours.

In Pune City, people are breathing a sigh of relief after the arrival of showers, which lowered the temperature considerably.

However, the heavy downpour lasted for nine hours, flooding several low-lying areas.

In a couple of neighborhoods, the rainwater entered homes, causing extensive damage to residents’ belongings.

[Ramesh, Pune City Resident]: (hindi male)
"All the things in our houses are now immersed in rainwater. Our clothes and other things have all been spoilt in the water. Now we cannot use them again."

The June-September monsoon rains are a major influence on the economy, as two-thirds of Indians depend on agriculture.


