
  • 14 years ago
We offer a variety of religious idols like ganesha's playing different instruments, Lakshmi, etc in different sizes, colours and textures. These are ideal as indoor decorative pieces, gifts and garden centre pieces. Religious idol is considered as a substitute or symbol. The statues of God and Goddess are precious for the devotees as they bear the mark of his Lord. The devotee feels the presence of Lord in the image and it represents holiness and eternal blessings. Made of various materials, idols are worshiped everywhere - in home, in temples and any other religious place.

Idols are not the idle fancies of sculptors but are shining channels through which the heart of the devotee is attracted to God and flows towards Him. Though apparently the image is worshipped, the devotee feels the presence of the Lord in it and pours out his devotion unto it.
