How to Create a Testimonials Page Sidebar - WordpressVideos.

  • 14 years ago
This tutorial is continued with full written instructions at http://WordpressVideos.TV

If you sell a product, offer a service, or if you just want to improve the overall perception and branding of your blog, then adding testimonials to your blog is a great idea. You can easily add a WordPress plugin that helps you to manage testimonials on your blog. Just search for the term testimonials, and look for the plugin called Testimonials Manager, and you can install that plugin automatically or install it manually to your WordPress blog.

Once youve uploaded the Testimonials Manager plugin, just activate that plugin, and youll see a new menu item here, right under Comments, that says Testimonials. So just click on that.

And then you can either edit the existing testimonials or you can add a new testimonial by entering the name, the company, the website URL, and the actual testimonial itself. And you can either use a Gravatar if you know the email of the person, or you can upload a
