WordPress Tutorial - Indexmgr - WordPressTutorials.TV

  • 14 years ago
Visit http://WordPressTutorials.TV for more WordPress Tutorials and cPanel Tutorials.

It has become such a common term that many people think cPanel is a generic name for any Web site control interface. In fact, it’s a company name and a commercial product that hosting firms buy to give customers an easy way to maintain their sites and, not incidentally, reduce the workload for their customer service representatives and technicians. Customers can now do just about any routine maintenance and site customizing, on their own schedule and their own dime.

The cPanel developers also provide a control panel for Web hosts and server administrators, WebHost Manager (WHM), that makes life easier for them, too. Although the present discussion is about cPanel, the fact that the company behind it also does great work on the other side of the street should be corroboration of the firm’s know-how. The cPanel software provides customers with powerful tools to perform essential tasks, and doe
