Who Are the False Ones ?

  • 14 years ago
2nd Journal 2010-01-26 TRANSCRIPT: http://www.scribd.com/doc/31041712/Who-Are-the-False-Ones Intro: Okay, dear Beings of Light, I am calling to you, now. I want to have a discussion about which ones of you are the real deal, and which may be the imitations. Yeah, I know that’s not very flattering, but after listening to the recent Kavassilas lecture, I’m looking at a lot of things more closely. For instance, I believe the St. Germain being to be an impostor. It’s vibration has never felt right. It has no Light, or at least not sufficient Light, nor even any verve or personality to mimic the real St. Germain. Thus, you can stay away, and permanently. I no longer trust anything about you. Keep out. There, that’s a good start. Oh God, dear Prime Creator, I am ready to be shown, even if my whole world of communication with what I had believed to be Light Beings comes tumbling down, I am ready to see the Truth of this. Please show me. I surrender. I also surrender thinking I must be perfect, and don’t have a dark side. It was so difficult, this last session with Ken [my medical intuitive and healer], and the things about myself he revealed to me. Owning them was not easy, and perhaps I haven’t even done that entirely, yet. So, I admit to a certain pride and arrogance, and I surrender it, right away. Show me, dear God, where and how I have a desire for power and recognition. Help me weed it out, if that be the balanced thing to do. Since the Light is oncoming, and darkness is being swallowed up, it appears right, but I seek balance above all right now, so please guide, guard, and direct me. There I go, going outside of myself for guidance, again. Seeking outside for rescue, for illumination. Help me go within to find you, dear God. Help ground me and my soul deeply both within this form, and within the heart. Help my soul more deeply incarnate into this body, dear God. Bring her home, from where and whenever she may be, in her various bits and pieces. Unite me, oh God, within this body...
