LIVE - Just Being Heard - and WRITTEN - Finding Your OWN Way

  • 14 years ago
2010-03-10 1st Journal, Mayan day 1 Night or House ♥ TRANSCRIPT: Intro: NOTE: It’s a combo journal - the introduction is live, followed by the written journal, below. I share being connected to now, and how much the state of our energy forcefield has to do with that. How easy is it for you to stay centered in the present? We’re so much more than just the physical being we take self to be. The physical is but the crystallization of higher vibration - of thought. Who and what we are soars so far beyond the 3D as to be laughable. Sure, we take a certain joy in the story of our physical life, here. Yeah, we take pain in it, as well. Like many of you, I once kept a good deal to myself. Being so different, as I perceived, I chose to fold up my wings around me, and share inner Self only with the journals. I didn’t speak out much. Who would understand? There’s such a magic in being understood, isn’t there? In that feeling that you really connected with someone - that they truly get it. Ah - that feels so good, so precious - so priceless, really. Well, that is our joy, in this day and dawning age, where we’re coming out and coming together at the same time. As we begin to make room in self to listen - to really hear - our brother’s story - we are strengthened. We had forgotten that he is us - that I Am That. We got lost in the depth, in the identification with the flesh form - with the 3D hologram. We came to think that was us, and not this, the Greater Self, the being from and through which emanates this vibration - the one that crystallizes here, as physicality - as our form... Distributed by Tubemogul.
