The Personal Cross -or- Acronym Soup

  • 13 years ago
2010-11-30 1st Journal, Mayan day 6 Rabbit or Star ♥ TRANSCRIPT - Intro: What blessings does this day carry to and for me? What is different? What gained over the night, over the last 24 hours? Soon we won’t be measuring days like that. While we still have time, what do I notice is different from before? What has changed? The heart is still heavy, as it’s working out the friend’s rejection. There have been numerous layers of that pain - very interesting. I trustingly move ahead into the new ones - trusting my heart - trusting Love. The change on that front is an interesting one. While working through the basic layers and levels of the personal aspects of it, the pain of that - I’m now breaking through to what lies under some of it. I’m noticing the energy of rejection in ME for the friend. That’s very interesting. What I’ve discovered is that, though not consciously aware of it, I was suffering under the dark way my friend was seeing me for some time before anything was said about it. It became more and more heavy - the little things said to fix or improve me. Things I was not too concerned about. She was going another way than this path that I’m on, and I wasn’t going to follow her there. I was content with my own way. Still, with ever faithful 20/20 hindsight, I see how the weight of her vision was to repress my energy. There was a good bit of accusation in it, as well. I wasn’t consciously noticing that. We were gliding along on the habit of the friendship - on the trust and Love... Distributed by Tubemogul.
