• il y a 15 ans
The single will be released with 2 unreleased b-sides, an acoustic version and 2 remixes on
May 24th on [PIAS] Recordings.

"Ultimately the video paints a truthful picture of the lies which affect our current state of existence in a (so called) free world. From the moment we're born we are controlled, manipulated, and led astray from what really matters in life - freedom. We are orchestrated from high above; even our leaders are merely puppets/clowns with their strings being pulled by powerful groups out of sight. Conspiracy theories, Illuminati, The New World Order; the free world is no longer free, our decisions no longer our own. An Orwellian future which has come to be realised within our own lifetime - A case of the corrupt blind leading the free minds."

video directed by Lennox Brothers @ Between The Eyes.


