"Honorable and Very Warm" - Film Producer on Shen Yun in L.A

  • 15 years ago
Gregory Marquette is a distinguished writer, producer, and television and movie director. His Polaris Entertainment Corporation has produced many award-winning television and film productions.

This was the first time he saw Shen Yun.

[Gregory Marquette, Motion Picture Producer]:
“Well the intention of it, I mean in terms of the heart and in terms of the spirit and in terms of love. And from what I am getting from the story so far it seems like it has a lot of, I guess it’s very honorable and very warm.”

Mr. Marquette enjoyed the choreography, costumes and colors.

[Gregory Marquette, Motion Picture Producer]:
“I like the choreography very much. And I enjoy the costumes and the flowing colors and the way it’s presented. It’s very nicely done. And I think the dancers are doing a very admirable job.”

He was especially struck by the two-stringed erhu performance.

[Gregory Marquette, Motion Picture Producer]:
“My favorite, I will be honest with you, was the erhu. The lady playing the erhu. I thought she was absolutely splendid, really spectacular. Not just good, but spectacular.”

Shen Yun seeks to breathe new life into traditional Chinese culture. Mr. Marquette was impressed by the Chinese culture.

[Gregory Marquette, Motion Picture Producer]:
“It’s impressive, very impressive. I always enjoy other cultures very much and this... and full of, I think, good-spirited entertainment for families. Very good.”

NTD News, Los Angeles.
