PS2 Recording Test 3-2: ZoE2 Boss Sequence [2/2]

  • 15 years ago
Part 2 of the Boss Sequence mission video.

1 - Nephtis 4 went quite well; normally I don't get so many hits against the wall.
2 - I missed one chance on Ardjet 2 by striking too soon.
3 - Using the Decoy on the first part of Inhert is a great time-saver, as you don't have to chase him around as much. The second part wasn't so good - I could have finished him one encounter earlier. Decoy still works fairly well though.
4 - Zakat was one of the few that went almost completely right. (Got stuck on the shield once...)
5 - I was maybe a little too cautious with Anubis - I'm sure I could have killed him quicker.
6 - Aumaan Anubis I just hate. He parries nearly everything, so all you can really do is keep Zero-Shifting and breaking his guard with Burst slashes. You can do far more damage if you chain it off a blade combo, but the problem with that is you can only do it if he lets you. It usually comes out quicker doing it the brute-force way.
