PS2 Recording Test 2: ZoE2 Survival Stage 3 (Jehuty ver.2)

  • 15 years ago
Spamming homing missiles is a good last-ditch tactic to bump up your score quickly when your energy is low.
I've actually never had a score above 200 before this recording.

I'm sure you'll notice the strange lagging at the beginning of this video. This is a very annoying problem particular to my computer; starting any intensive program or operation will cause this regular split-second freezing for a couple of minutes afterward, with hard disk access occurring at the same times, for the same duration. Some kind of caching/swapping perhaps?
Unfortunately, recording video counts as such an intensive operation. The only way I can get round this is to start recording 3 minutes before actually doing anything, and cut the excess later.
I'm just glad it doesn't affect the sound *too* much... but still, if anyone happens to know what's up with this problem, drop me a line.
