2010-01-13 yourdailyjingle presents: To Mary With Love

  • 14 years ago
This song is a bit of a departure from the usual cutesy/cheesy/jingly tunes to explore the realm of love. Yes, we've seen anniversary songs before, but this isn't even a special day for Mary Beth and Marty King. Marty simply requested I write song about how much he loves his wife and how she's such an amazing wife and mother. So I set the cheese down, dug deep, and created a love song from a husband to his wife. I'm just a newcomer to this whole love thing, having been married for just over a year, but I hope in 40 years our relationship is as vibrant as these two lovebirds. I salute you, M&M! Lyrics From the first day I saw you When I was just seventeen I couldn't take my eyes off you But you'd see right through me But since that first time you smiled at me I knew you'd be mine And in that short span of just 40 years You've been such a wonderful mother and wife Mary, I will be your king Mary, And you will be my queen Mary, I'll be here through everything Mary, So glad you married me
