Iranians living in exile are taking their grievances to the

  • 15 years ago
Dozens of Iranian exiles demonstrated in the French capital on Tuesday, in solidarity with opposition protesters in Iran.

They call on leaders of western countries to take action against the Iranian regime, two days after eight people were killed in anti-government protests.

France condemned the repression in Iran and demanded the regime look for a peaceful solution to police violence against protesters, arbitrary arrests and a crackdown on foreign and domestic media.

Valero expressed France's support for pro-democracy activists in Iran.

[Bernard Valero, French Foreign Ministry]:
“This repression is firstly unacceptable, secondly we condemn it, and finally, we don't think it is the right way to manage the situation. It is a solution which leads nowhere.”

French authorities are concerned about the apprehension of the sister of Iranian Nobel Peace Prize winner Shirin Ebadi, and the situation of Emadeddine Baghi, who founded the Society for the Defense of Prisoners' Rights.

At least 20 opposition figures were arrested since Sunday, including three senior advisers to opposition leader Mirhossein Mousavi, his brother-in-law and Ebadi's sister.

There needs to be dialogue between the Iranian political leaders and the people. However, achieving this seems like a long journey.

[Bernard Valero, French Foreign Ministry]:
“Visibly this dialogue doesn't exist; the only dialogue is on the streets, with demonstrators who make demands and a regime that doesn't listen to them, and who on the contrary represses them and kills people and puts them in prison etc. It's not the right method.”

Political turmoil has entered a new phase in Iran with bloody face-offs and arrests, with security forces calling on authorities to deal firmly with opposition leaders.
