'Avatar' Video Game in 3-D

  • 15 years ago
3-D gaming is about to hit the stores in time for the holiday season market. 'Avatar: The Game' , which piggy backs off James Cameron's sci-fi movie "Avatar" , throws players into the fictional world of Pandora - all in 3-D. Both will be released in December. Unlike most film-related videogames, 'Avatar: The Game' was commissioned three years ago while Avatar the movie was in basic production. This enabled the developers to create a very intricate game, with lots of detail and an elaborate storyline. The big news is that this video game is in 3-D, which makes it something of a pioneer in the gaming world. Kevin Shortt, story designer for 'Avatar: The Game', says Ubisoft's early start in development means the game won't lack for quality - a criticism given to many film-based games. What will really get gamers' attention is that, just like the film, the game is released in 3-D. visit ebrunews.com for more info and news!