The Khan Murjan a Baghdad Landmark

  • 15 years ago
It's known the as one of the premier ancient archaeological landmarks of Baghdad. The Khan Murjan is an elegant building of fascinating architecture that dates back to the 14th century, located in the Western section of Baghdad, the cental hall is more than 45 feet high and the crenellated arches of brick and perforated windows make the structure a truly awesome piece of history. The Khan Murjan started life as an inn for travellers, and was home to many university scholars centuries ago. The word Khan was originally a term that meant 'travellers' inn', but later it was used to mean any urban inn, or market area. To reach the upper rooms there is an elevated path built on brick-ornamented arches. It's the only completely roofed Khan in Iraq. The Khan contains a vast array of rooms distributed amongst two stories around a closed paved courtyard. Director-General of Heritage Directorate Dr. Fauzi yah Mahdi says the Khan Murjan dates back to 760 Hegira. visit for more info and news!