
  • 15 years ago
Gorilla Monkey Crunch is an arcade style 2D action game for players from 6 to 66. Your goal is to knock out as many Monkeys as you can from their rafts as they pass below by dropping coconuts from above. If you miss the monkeys will return to sender and hurl the coconuts which will break the bridge sections. They will also throw bananas that land on the bridge. You must jump over the bananas and bridge gaps or you will lose a life. You have bonus timers that will extend the time and toolkits that will fix the bridge.

Gorilla Monkey Crunch features open-ended game play which means that as long as you get the timers and have Gorilla lives remaining you could play forever.

Tilt the device to move the Gorilla left or right on the bridge
Tap the drop coconut Gorilla button to drop the coconuts on the Monkeys
Tap the jump Gorilla button to jump the Gorilla over the bridge gaps and bananas
Score points for clobbering Monkeys, Tookit hits and timer take ups.

